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Bloggfęrslur mįnašarins, nóvember 2007

Tįlbeitur ?

Ég fyllist alltaf vissri tortryggni žegar talaš er um tįlbeitur, vegna žess aš žaš er viss hętta į žvķ aš žęr séu notašar į glannalegan hįtt og bśa til glęp sem hefši aldrei įtt sér staš. Mašur getur ķmyndaš sér aš žaš yrši žrżstingur į lögregluna aš nį įrangri sem gęti żtt žeim įfram auk žess sem tįlbeitan getur veriš aš hegša sér į svo óraunverulegan hįtt aš, aš žaš myndi aldrei ske ķ raunveruleikanum og menn tęldir til glępa.

Var eitt sinn į horfa į amerķska raunveruleikažįttinn Cops, žar var tįlbeitum beitt mešal annars lögreglukona sem var klędd eins og vęndiskona og reyndi aš fį višskipti. Einn mašur labbaši fram hjį henni og hśn reyndi aš tala viš hann, hann veiti henni enga athygli og fór fram hjį, žį elti hśn hann og reif ķ hann og žröngvaši sér aš honum fór aš tala viš hann, hann var alltaf jafn óhress į svipinn og vildi komast ķ burtu en vildi greinilega ekki vera dónalegur og var aš reyna losna viš hana. Svo žegar hśn hélt įfram og įfram aš tuša ķ honum. Žį spurši hann hvaš kostar svo eitt skipti, žį var öskraš " Freeze its the police you are under arrest ogfrv.)

Mannréttindadómstóll Evrópu viršist vera haldinn svipašri tortryggni og ég žvķ hann hefur įlyktaš gegn notkun tįlbeitna.

Fleygar setningar Mike Tyson's


On Lennox Lewis

"Lennox Lewis, I'm coming for you man. My style is impetuous. My defense is impregnable, and I'm just ferocious. I want your heart.

"My main objective is to be professional but to kill him."

On Evander Holyfield

"You got nothing coming, man. I'm going to enjoy this fight."

After biting Holyfield he said, "This is my career. I have children to raise. I have to retaliate. He butted me. Look at me. My kids will be scared of me."

"I felt Holyfield was using his head illegally. I told the referee I wasn't getting any help, so I went back to the streets. I cannot defend it, but it happened."

On Razor Ruddock

"You're sweet. I'm going to make sure you kiss me good with those big lips. I'm gonna make you my girlfriend."

On Tyrell Biggs

Tyson on Tyrell Biggs' complaining to him about low blows "Low blows? Low blows? Huh! Motherf**ker you're fittin' to die!"

"He was screaming like my wife."

"I could have knocked him out in the third round but I wanted to do it slowly, so he would remember this night for a long time."

On His Wife

"I paid a worker at New York's zoo to re-open it just for me and Robin. When we got to the gorilla cage there was 1 big silverback gorilla there just bullying all the other gorillas. They were so powerful but their eyes were like an innocent infant. I offered the attendant $10,000 to open the cage and let smash that silverback's snotbox! He declined."

"Anyone with a grain of sense would know that if I punched my wife I would rip her head off. It's all lies. I have never laid a finger on her."

On His Childhood

"One morning I woke up and found my favorite pigeon, Julius, had died I was devastated and was gonna use his crate as my stickball bat to honor him. I left the crate on my stoop and went in to get something and I returned to see the sanitation man put the crate into the crusher. I rushed him and caught him flush on the temple with a titanic right hand he was out cold, convulsing on the floor like a infantile retard."

On Fans

To a question on whether he feels support from the common fan: "I don't feel love from them because there's no love. They don't know me as an individual; they know me for what I actually do. Because they pay to see me smash anybody. If they're white they pay, [it's] because the only thing they have respect for is my ability as an athlete. But if I was in court and I had to use them to testify against me on my character, they wouldn't testify positively against me and they would think I'm a cad..."

"There are nine million people who see me in the ring and hate my guts. Most of them are white. That's okay. Just spell my name right."

"I think the average person thinks I'm a f**king nut and I deserve whatever happens to me. That's what I believe."

"When you see me smash somebody's skull, you enjoy it."

On His Time in Prison

"You have to understand, Frank Bruno would not have been champion if I had not been in prison. Oliver McCall would not have been champion if I had not been in prison. A lot of these guys would not have been champion. Michael Moorer would not have been champion. Those guys would not have been champion if I had been around. They would have had no legacy. None of those guys would have had a legacy."

"I would have been in shape. I would have been active. Holyfield, those guys wouldn't have been champion when I was around, but I went away for four or five years inactive and that made them competitive for a time."

"But you really have to look at the science of the situation. You guys come here to talk and report but you don't actually look at the facts of what this business is all about. The best thing that happened to those guys and they should stand on their mother's shoulders and kiss my ass because I went to prison or they would not be existing right now. They'd be a flash in the pan and would have made some money and opened up a restaurant or bar somewhere where they live at."

On Boxing


"Everyone in boxing probably makes out well except for the fighter. He's the only one that's on Skid Row most of the time; he's the only one that everybody just leaves when he loses his mind. He sometimes goes insane, he sometimes goes on the bottle, because it's a highly intensive pressure sport that allows people to just lose it [their self-control]."

"How dare these boxers challenge me with their primitive skills? It makes me angry. They're just as good as dead."

"My power is discombobulatingly devastating I could feel is muscle tissues collapse under my force. It's ludicrous these mortals even attempt to enter my realm."

Tyson: "It's interesting that you put me in the league with those illustrious fighters [Muhammad Ali, Joe Louis, Jack Johnson], but I've proved since my career I've surpassed them as far my popularity. I'm the biggest fighter in the history of the sport. If you don't believe it, check the cash register."

"Without discipline, no matter how good you are, you are nothing! One day, and I might not be around; you're going to meet a tough guy who takes your best shot. He'll keep coming because he's tough. Don't get discouraged. That's when the discipline comes in."

"I just want them to keep bringing guys on and I'm going to strip them of their health. I bring pain, a lot of pain."

On His Family

"No one gives a f**k about me. No one cares if my children starve, if they're on welfare. I have to support my children. I need more money."


On the Media


[To a female reporter] "It's no doubt I am going to win this fight and I feel confident about winning this fight. I normally don't do interviews with women unless I fornicate with them. So you shouldn't talk anymore... Unless you want to, you know."

"People [are] going to say what they say. It has to be for a reason. It's just for a reason. I know sometimes I say things; I offend people. I ask this lady a lewd question because I'm in a lot of pain too. I have some pain I'm gonna have for the rest of my life. And Lewis, I'm trying to give some of that pain to ya'll."

"You gentlemen have no idea what it's like to be myself, no idea what it's like. I'm not interested in being humiliated anymore."

"If I take this camera and put it in your face for 20 years, I don't know what you might be. You might be a homosexual if I put that camera on you since you were 13 years old. I've been on that camera since I was 13 years old."

On Religion

"All praise is to Allah, I'll fight any man, any animal, if Jesus were here I'd fight him too."

"I feel like sometimes that I was born, that I'm not meant for this society because everyone here is a f**king hypocrite. Everybody says they believe in God but they don't do God's work. Everybody counteracts what God is really about. If Jesus was here, do you think Jesus would show me any love? Do you think Jesus would love me? I'm a Muslim, but do you think Jesus would love me ... I think Jesus would have a drink with me and discuss ... why you acting like that? Now, he would be cool. He would talk to me. No Christian ever did that and said in the name of Jesus even ... They'd throw me in jail and write bad articles about me and then go to church on Sunday and say Jesus is a wonderful man and he's coming back to save us. But they don't understand that when he comes back, that these crazy greedy capitalistic men are gonna kill him again."

Stacey McKinley: "He sees a guy beggin' in the street and he gives him a hundred dollars. I'll say, 'Man, y'know the guy's just gonna spend it on crack!' But he says, 'I leave it to Allah to judge him.'"

"I'm a man. I lived it and I'm not afraid to die but when I die I'm going to paradise and I'm not worried."

On Himself

"The one thing I know, everyone respects the true person and everyone's not true with themselves. All of these people who are heroes, these guys who have been lily white and clean all their lives, if they went through what I went through, they would commit suicide. They don't have the heart that I have. I've lived places they can't defecate in."

"I'm not Mother Teresa. But I'm also not Charles Manson!"

"Fear is your best friend or your worst enemy. It's like fire. If you can control it, it can cook for you; it can heat your house. If you can't control it, it will burn everything around you and destroy you. If you can control your fear, it makes you more alert, like a deer coming across the lawn."

"I'm just like you. I enjoy the forbidden fruits in life, too. I think it's un-American not to go out with a woman, not to be with a beautiful woman, not to get my dick sucked ... It's just what I said before, everybody in this country is a big f**king liar. [The media] tells people ... that this person did this and this person did that and then we find out that were just human and we find out that Michael Jordan cheats on his wife just like everybody else and that we all cheat on our f**king wife in one way or another either emotionally, physically or sexually or one way."

"There's no one perfect. We're always gonna do that. Jimmy Swaggart is lascivious, Mike Tyson is lascivious -- but we're not criminally, at least I'm not, criminally lascivious. You know what I mean. I may like to fornicate more than other people -- it's just who I am. I sacrifice so much of my life, can I at least get laid? I mean, I been robbed of my most of my money, can I at least get [oral sex] without the people wanting to harass me and wanting to throw me in jail?"

"At times, I come across as crude or crass, that irritates you when I come across like a Neanderthal or a babbling idiot at times. But I like to be that person. I like to show you all that person because that's who you come to see."

"I'm the most irresponsible person in the world. The reason I'm like that is because, at 21, you all gave me $50 or $100 million, and I didn't know what to do. I'm from the ghetto. I don't know how to act. One day I'm in a dope house robbing somebody. The next thing I know, 'You're the heavyweight champion of the world.' ... Who am I? What am I? I don't even know who I am. I'm just a dumb child. I'm being abused. I'm being robbed by lawyers. I think I have more money than I do. I'm just a dumb pugnacious fool. I'm just a fool who thinks I'm someone. And you tell me I should be responsible?"

On His Mental Health

"I don't know if I'm mentally sick, but I have... episodes sometimes. I'm a depressant kind of dude. I have episodes, and I'm human. But no one cares about my health as a human because sometimes I'm in my episodes when I'm at work."

"Well, [contemplating suicide] goes through everyone's mind, I'm sure. And if it doesn't I really must be crazy. Everyone thinks about that because sometimes, you know what I mean, it's just tough being a ni**er and it's tough being a bad ni**er."

I don't react to a tragic happening any more. I took so many bad things as a kid and some people think I don't care about anything. It's just too hard for me to get emotional. I can't cry no more."

"I'm on the Zoloft [an antidepressant] to keep from killing y'all."

On America

"I'm just a dark guy from a den of iniquity. A dark shadowy figure from the bowels of iniquity. I wish I could be Mike who gets an endorsement deal. But you can't make a lie and a truth go together. This country wasn't built on moral fiber. This country was built on rape, slavery, murder, degradation and affiliation with crime."

Miscellaneous Quotes

"I really dig Hannibal. Hannibal had real guts. He rode elephants into Cartilage."

"I guess I'm gonna fade into Bolivian."

"I like the British bikes. I like British people. They're real mellow."

"I can sell out Madison Square Garden masturbating."

"I have some pain I'm gonna have for the rest of my life. So every now and then I kick your f**king ass."

"I just want to conquer people and their souls."


Risabardagi 8.des, someone's 0 has got to go

Laugardagurinn 8.desember nęstkomandi er frįtekinn, svo mikiš er vķst, žvķ žį keppa hnefaleikamennirnir ricky "the hitman" Hatton og Floyd "pretty boy" mayweather en žeir eru bįšir ósigrašir sem atvinnumenn og hafa bįšir sigraš titla ķ nokkrum žyngdarflokkum.

Ricky hatton (W 43 L 0 Ko 31), Floyd (W 38 L 0 ko 24), bįšir nįlęgt sķnu prime, žetta veršur rosalegt. Sagan segir aš Oscar De la Hoya sé aš hjįlpa hatton m.a. annars meš žvķ aš lįna honum sparr félaga og benda honum į hverjir henta best til aš ęfa sig fyrir Floyd. En Oscar keppti viš Floyd um daginn og tapaši meš SD, hann er vķst aš vonast til aš hatton vinni svo hann geti sķšan unniš Hatton og nśllaš yfir tapiš ( beat the man who beat the man, eins og kaninn segir).

Ricky Hatton er stundum uppnefndur ricky fatton, vegna žess aš hann bętir į sig mikilli žyngd milli bardaga, sem hann žarf svo aš vinna af sér, en Hatton finnst vķst fįtt betra enn aš hella ofan ķ sig nokkrum kollum af Guinnes į kvöldin heima ķ Bretlandi.

Fašir Floyd, vill meina aš žessi bardagi verši aušveldari fyrir soninn heldur bardaginn į móti Arturo Gatti, sem Floyd sigraši aušveldlega, sonurinn vill meina aš Hatton sé C ef ekki D klassa boxari og hefur veriš aš taka žįtt ķ danskeppni stjarnanna sem er einhver žįttur ķ Bandarķkjunum į sama tķma og hann ętti aš vera ęfa fyrir Hatton. Sumir vilja meina aš hann sé aš bśa til afsökun ef hann skyldi tapa ašrir aš hann sé svo hrokafullur aš hann telji žaš bara ekki fręšilegt aš hann tapi. Floyd er svona tżpa sem fólk annaš hvort elskar eša hatar, mjög svona yfirlżsingaglašur og hikar ekki viš aš tala nišur andstęšinga fyrir bardaga į frekar dónalegan hįtt( sem er vķst ein įstęša fyrir žvķ aš De La Hoya hatar hann), og hefur fariš mikinn ķ trash talkinu fyrir bardagann, meira segja mišaš viš sjįlfan sig en Hatton hefur veriš rólegur yfir žessu öllu saman į blašamannafundum ķ Bandarķkjunum en žegar hann og Floyd voru į blašamannafundi ķ Bretlandi kallaši Hatton hann Pśff ( breskt slangur yfir samkynhneigš) og sagši aš hann ętti aš lįta dömuna stżra žegar hann tekur žįtt ķ danskeppninni žvķ, hann žurfi aš ęfa sig ķ aš fara aftur į bak fyrir bardagann viš sig.

Flestir eru žeirrar skošunnar aš Floyd Mayweather Jr. muni sigra, en žegar tveir ósigrašir menn annar Boxer og hinn Puncher žį veit mašur aš eitthvaš rosalegt er ķ vęndum. Eitt er vķst undirritašur heldur meš "the underdog" honum Ricky og mun fį sér Guinnes og hlusta į Blue moon (innkomulag hattons) į laugardaginn 8.des. GO RICKY.  

Fyrirsögn fréttar er leišrétt ķ fréttinni.

Žaš segir ķ frétt aš höfundur rannsóknar segir aš munurinn sé svo lķtill aš žaš sé EKKI RÉTT aš tala um einhvern mun į mįlgefni kynjanna. Enda hljóta vera skekkjumörk, auk žess sem aš mašur spyr sig hvernig i ósköpunum var žetta rannsakaš, var sagt viš fólk, 1, 2 og tala og svo tekinn tķminn, ég kaupi ekki svona rannsóknir, enda ekki hęgt aš męla žetta.

mbl.is Rannsókn: Karlar eru mįlgefnari en konur
Tilkynna um óvišeigandi tengingu viš frétt

Nektardansstašir og vęndi.

Ég hef veriš upp į sķškastiš aš leika mér inn į sķšum nafnkunnra feminķsta og veriš aš rökręša ( kannski ekki rétta oršiš) viš žęr og var svona aš forvitnast til um hver vęri įstęšan fyrir afstöšu žeirra til vęndis og nektardansstaša. Hver vęru rök žeirra, en fįtt var um svör, en sį strax aš žęr gera engan greinamun į hugtökum eins og nektardans,vęndi, mansal, naugšun, ofbeldi, dópneysla osfrv. Ekki veit ekki hver er įstęšan į baki žessu, hvort žaš er viljandi gert til aš hindra umręšu, hver vill vera tala fyrir mansali, ofbeldi og naugšun (enginn held ég). Eša hvort tilfinningar žeirra svo sterkar gegn nektardansstöšum og vęndi aš žęr falla ofurliši gegn žeim og gleymi rökum.

Hver er munurinn į žvi aš koni dansi į einhverjum svona klśbb, og segjum t.d. hollywood stjarna komi nakinn fram ķ mynd, eša listamašur gerir einhvern gjörning žar sem naktir lķkamar sjįst. Hver er vandinn sem stešjar frį žessum stöšum, hvar eru mannsals mįlin ekki eitt einasta slķkt mįl hefur komiš fyrir dóm į Ķslandi. Hvar er vandamįliš ķ kringum vęndi, žaš er jś löglegt nśna į Ķslandi samt veršur mašur ekki beint var viš žaš, samt er nś komiš eitthvert frumvarp, sem banna į vęndi eša alla vega kaupinn en salan į aš vera lögleg. Viš hvaša vanda er frumvarpiš aš bregšast, eru menn farnir aš setja lög sér til gamans eša til aš fullnęgja einvherri persónulegri óžökk. Eša kannski bara til aš skapa glundroša, hvaš kemur nęst lögleiša sölu dóps en banna kaupin.  

Nś um daginn var borgin aš neita nektardansstaš leyfi til aš starfa, borgin farinn aš taka gešžóttarįkvaršanir. Tók eftir žvķ aš tveir sjįlfstęšismenn létu hafa eftir sér aš žetta vęri sennilega ólögmęt įkvöršun en bętu viš aš žeir hefšu óžökk af nektardansstöšum. Af hverju žurftu žeir aš taka žaš fram, ef bar eša sjoppu er veit eitthvaš leyfi segja žeir žį, sjoppur eru mér aš skapi. NEI, ég tel aš žeir hafi veriš hręddir viš aš tapa fylgismönnum vegna žess stimpils sem róttękir feministar setja į fólk sem žorir aš hafa andstęša skošun, žetta er ekkert annaš en skošankśgun og hśn lżšst ekki, komin tķmi til aš hętta žessum undirlęgjuhįtt og leiša bara hjį sér žetta hjal femķnista. 

En svo viršist sem aš žetta sé žröngur hópur sem er aš nį samt nokkuš miklu fram, vegna žess aš viš hin erum sofandi og leyfum žessari hugtakanaušgun žeirra aš višgangast, žęr tala yfirleitt meš tilfinningum sjaldan rökum. En svona ķ lokin žį er ég svo sem ekki viss um aš žessar róttękustu séu endilega į sama meiši og hinar sem muna en eftir markmišinu, jafnrétti, ekki Kvenréttindi, en svo viršist sem ašal barįttu mįl hjį žessum forustusaušum žeirra er aš bśa til fleiri embętti hjį rķkinu sem veita žeim sjįlfum vald, peninga og įhrif.    

Žaš er ekkert aš marka svona kannanir.

Ég man žegar ég var ķ framhaldskóla og žurfti aš taka žįtt ķ svona könnunum, žį var žaš yfirleitt ķ lok tķmans og sagt viš mann, žiš megiš fara žegar žiš eruš bśinn. Svo mašur flżtti sér svo mikiš aš mašur las varla neitt sem mašur var aš svara og žegar mašur las spurningarnar, var mašur oft aš grķnast og hakaši viš eitthvaš sem var alls ekki rétt. Fyrir utan žaš aš mašur var kannski ekkert bśinn leggja nįkvęmlega į minniš drykkjumunstur aftur ķ tķman, žannig jafnvel žó mašur vildi svara rétt, žį mundi mašur žaš ekki.


mbl.is Įfengisneysla framhaldskólanema įhyggjuefni
Tilkynna um óvišeigandi tengingu viš frétt

Boš og Bönn eiga bara vera um grundvallaržętti.

  Menn mega ekki gleyma žvķ aš ķ hvert sinn sem sett eru nż lög sem banna eitthvaš er veriš aš skerša frelsi okkar til athafna. Frelsi į aldrei aš skerša nema žaš séu veigamikil rök, og žaš er algjört lįgmark aš hįttseminn sé aš skaša einvhern annan en žann sem framkvęmir hana undantekningar frį žvķ žurfa aš vera ķ algjörum jašartilvikum.     

Ķ fréttunum ķ gęr var tekist į um hvort žaš ętti ekki aš setja ķ lög aš banna nammiauglżsingar ķ barnatķmanum. Hvenęr ętlum viš aš byrja taka įbyrgš į okkur sjįlfum, og hętta aš segja ég er feitur śt af auglżsingum ķ sjónvarpi. Svona hugsun endar bara meš žvķ aš manni verši skylt aš fara ķ fitumęlingu hjį rķkinu, fituprósentan sķšan sett inn į kort sem vęri svipaš og debet kort. Svo ef mašur ętlaši aš fara t.d. inn į KFC žyrfti mašur aš renna kortinu ķ gegnum posa og ef fituprósentan vęri hęrri en segjum 8% žį myndi huršin ekki opnast.Er žaš ekki góš hugmynd ???

Ég vorkenni OJ.

Mašur getur ekki annaš en vorkennt OJ Simpson, hinn góškunni rušningskappi og gamanleikari sem gerši garšinn fręgan ķ Meistarverks trilogiuni Naked Gun. Mašur var sżknašur ķ opinberu mįli į hendur sér, ekki var sannaš "without reasonable doubt" aš hann hafi gert vošaverkiš, og er hann žvķ žar af leišandi saklaus. En svo fóru ęttingjarnir ķ einkamįl viš hann og fóru fram į skašabętur vegna moršsins, ķ einkamįlarétti eru geršar vęgari sönnunarkröfur og žar var hann dęmdur til aš greiša bętur f. moršiš. SAMA MORŠ OG HANN VAR SŻKNAŠUR AF. Woundering

Manni finnst ešlilegt aš sé mašur sżknašur af dómstólum, žį sé ekki hęgt aš byggja skašabótamįl į žvķ aš mašur hafi framiš glęp samt sem įšur. Ķ kjölfar žessa asnagangs er varla til žaš mannsbarn sem telur OJ saklausan žrįtt fyrir sżknudóm.  

mbl.is Réttaš veršur ķ mįli O.J. Simpson
Tilkynna um óvišeigandi tengingu viš frétt

Af hverju ętti hśn aš vera lišinn.

Mašur fęr ekki betur séš en aš mennirnir hafi veriš bannašir af mįlefnalegum forsendum ef eigandinn segir satt, dólgslęti, slagsmįl og ķtrekuš ósęmileg ef ekki refsiverš hegšun gagnvart konum. Feministar landsins hljóta aš fagna aš svona sé tekiš į mönnum.

Ps. ótengd frétt, samt nokkuš sérstakt alltaf žegar bar eša skemmtistašar eigandur verša voša fślir yfir aš fólk verši fullt, mašur hefši haldiš aš fulli mašurinn vęri aš eyša meira į barnum heldur en edrś mašurinn sem drekkur vatn. Sami mašur og eigandi kallar fķfl og óžolandi fyllibyttu gęti hugsanlega veriš hans besti višskiptavinur. Ekki veršur mašur edrś af įfenginu sem hann selur.  

mbl.is „Dónaleg framkoma ekki lišin“
Tilkynna um óvišeigandi tengingu viš frétt

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Ólafur Jónsson

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